By Land
From Quincy, south on Route 3A
After crossing the Fore River Bridge, proceed south on Bridge St. to the traffic lights at the intersection of North Street. Turn left onto North Street and follow the directions below: Directions on North Street.
From Hingham, north on Route 3A
After crossing the Back River Bridge into Weymouth, proceed north on Bridge St. past Saint Jeromes Church to the traffic lights at the intersection of North Street. Turn right onto North Street and follow the directions below: Directions on North Street.
Directions on North Street
Proceed down North Street past the Wessagussett School on the left to the entrance of the Town Parking Lot also on the left just before the next curve. Walk to the yacht club using Massasoit Road. Do not park on the beach roads.

By Sea
Lat/Lon : 42° 15.059′ N 70° 56.850′ W
Use chart: 13270